Building permits are required by the Safety Codes Act of the Province of Alberta. This legislation sets the minimum standards for construction and building safety for the province.
Development permit applications are evaluated in reference to the Glenwood Land Use Bylaw.
Permits are required for:
- The erection or construction of any building, including modular homes
- The demolition, alteration or addition to any building, including decks with elevation of more than 600mm (24 inches) above grade
- The change of use of any building (example, retail to restaurant)
- The installation of mechanical equipment, wood stoves, space heaters or fireplaces
- Swimming pools and hot tubs with a depth of more than 600mm (24 inches)
- Retaining walls with a height more than 900mm (36 inches)
To access all other permits required for building (Building, Electrical, Gas & Plumbing) please visit the Safety Codes Council of Alberta
The following development permits have been issued by the Village of Glenwood
These permits are granted as “permitted use” or “discretionary use” based on the regulations outlined in the Land Use Bylaw #192-2019
Any person affected by these developments, who would like to appeal the conditions placed upon any of these permits, has until the posted appeal deadline to give notice of their appeal in writing, along with the payment of the $300 appeal fee, to the Glenwood Village Office
About Planning and Development
Planning and Development plays a central role in the change and development of our community by establishing and administering the Village of Glenwood’s land use planning process. Planning and development aims to ensure orderly, economical, and beneficial development, and to maintain and improve the quality of the Village’s physical environment through the application of tools and services under the land use planning process. The scope of planning and development services include:
Land Use and Sustainability Planning Land
Use and Sustainability Planning involves the creation and administration of long-term, community vision plans, such as statutory plans (e.g., Municipal Development Plan, Intermunicipal Development Plans and Area Structure Plans), and the Land Use Bylaw, which together provide direction and the regulatory mechanism for implementing the desired change.
Development Permitting and Subdivision Planning
This includes processing and issuing decisions on development permit and subdivision applications, based on approved plans, the Land Use Bylaw, and other applicable municipal and provincial legislation.
Development Control
Development Control involves the use of tools such as Development Agreements, inspections, and Land Use Bylaw enforcement mechanisms to achieve desirable development outcomes.
Special Projects
Examples of special projects undertaken though Planning and Development include beautification and special studies (e.g., Business License Survey).
Other services
These are services provided to the public for a fee outside the core planning and development services (e.g., Compliance Report or Certificate).
The Village of Glenwood works closely with the Old Man River Regional Services Commission, as they provide a great deal of processes and functionality to our planning and development services.
- New/On Going Projects
- Municipal Development Plan
- Up-coming Public Hearings
General Inquiries
General inquiries about Planning and Development can be directed to the Chief Administrative Officer at the Village of Glenwood, by phone at (403) 626-3233 or by email at